Saturday, 23 June 2012

Finally the Final Draft

Final Draft Completed!
I have not been active here lately due to getting my novel, A Thorn in my Side, up to a polished standard ready for submitting. I found it an exhausting task but an enjoyable one. I have completed my fifth draft and I am very happy with it.  As I ploughed through it I found myself cheering myself for writing such great characters and other times I thought this is tiring as I know how it ends! But that is what writing is all about. It is in the rewriting that you learn how to cut and edit and other times expand a bit. There are highs and lows to experience. Of course I have been writing other bits in between the editing of the novel and this provided a welcome breaks on occasions. So now I am back in the saddle to get up to date with my blog and catch up with other writing pieces. I have even been dabbling in poetry so watch this space. Now for the next step, to continue submitting my manuscript to the waiting agents/publishers and wait for the offers to roll in. It’s all about being positive.