Monday, 17 September 2018

My Plan of Attack

What do you do when faced with a dilemma?
You think about the issue, write down the pros and cons, gather your thoughts and then hey (hopefully) presto, you have sorted it all out.

Sooooooo, I kinda did that.

I need to have my third novel written by the end of October this year. My decision, totally my own  madcap idea.

How do I make this work? From now until the end of the October, I've got limited time. I want my weekends off, so Monday to Friday, I shall write.
I work out the word count I think will be needed, based on my last novels.
So this gives me my daily word count with weekends off.

Can I do it? Hell yes I can!

So my third novel, Cregane Court (Working Title) shall be tackled with determination and discipline and hopefully I will be posting here in November about how successful I've been.
If not, I will be eating chocolate and happy that I at least gave it ago.

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.” Greg Reid

#motivation #amwriting #success